School Performance Data

Key Stage 2 Results 2024

25 children took the test

Area Standards %
Reading Achieving Expected Standard (School) 77.78%
Reading Achieving Expected Standard (National) 74%
Writing Achieving Expected Standard (School) 74.07%
Writing Achieving Expected Standard (National) 72%
Grammar Punctuation & Spelling (SPAG) Achieving Expected Standard (School) 66.67%
Grammar Punctuation & Spelling (SPAG) Achieving Expected Standard (National) 72%
Maths Achieving Expected Standard (School) 66.67%
Maths  Achieving Expected Standard (National) 73%

63% Achieved the expected standard in Reading Writing and Maths.    ​National Average = 61%

KS2 Multiplication Tables Check 2024

29 children took the test  



The percentage of children who received 20 or greater


​The percentage of children who achieved 25/25


There is no expected standard threshold for the MTC. The check will determine whether a pupil can fluently recall multiplication tables. Therefore, there is no standard for the MTC beyond the number and percentage of pupils who achieve full marks.t

Key Stage 1 Phonics 2024

Year Met Standard at end of Year 1 (%) Met Standard at end of Year 2 (%)
2024 85% of the 3 children who retook the test 2 children passed
2024 (National) 79% No national data available

EYFS Results 2024

Year  EYFS Pupils Achieving Good Level of Development
2024 80%
2023 (National) 69.8%

For the Department of Education (DfE) performance tables please click below.  

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