Little Learners Blog

Welcome to Little Learners Blog 2024-2025 - 

This page will be updated regularly showing you what fun and exciting things the children have been up to.

March 2025

For the last two weeks our theme has been Transport.

In the first week we explored all the transport on land such as cars, trains, trucks and emergency vehicles.

In the second week we explored all the transport in the sky and on water such as planes, hot air balloons, rockets, boats and ships.

We had lots of fun with some cardboard boxes which we made into cars!

We played with cars and dumper trucks collecting soil to make piles.

We all had a car and put it down the ramp to see how far it would go. Mrs Reed won the race!!!

We have been playing with the boats in the water.

We have also been playing with a big barbie boat and plane, which has been good fun. We have had to do lots of sharing and helping each other.

February 2025

Week beginning 24/02/2025

This was the first week of our theme "Colour Monster". Apart from dressing in different colour clothes this week, we have been palying with groups of colours.

We have been listening to the colour monster book as well as other books about feelings and how we behave towards others by being kind and nice to our friends.

The sun has been out so we had some fun in the garden as well this week.

On Friday, we had a storyteller visit Little Learners. She told us two stories - one about Frogs in a pond and a story about Gabrielle who had lots of hats and met some monkeys on his way to the market.

We are looking forward to another week of the colour monster and celebrating world book day next week.

January 2025

Week beginning 13/01/2025

Happy New Year!

Here are some pictures from our craft morning, at the end of last term, when Elfie came to visit us as a surprise and did some dancing with us.

 At the start of this term, we have started our "winter" theme. We have been having "snowball" fights in the classroom and the hall, which has been great fun.

Here are some photographs of some of the activities that are on offer to the children surrounding the winter theme and the children's interests.

In the next couple of weeks we will be talking about Fairy Stories. If you have any traditional stories that your children particularly like, please let us know.

December 2024

Week beginning 2/12/24

Christmas has come to Little Learners! We have been doing lots of creative crafts for our wall displays.

We have decorated the playhouse as a gingerbread house and inside we have cards and letters to write for our friends and Father Christmas.

On Tuesday morning we had a very special visitor who arrived in a really big helicopter. We were so excited and then Father Christmas came into the classroom with Mrs Sherrard and he told us we had to be very good to get some presents!!

We loved decorating our Christmas tree.

We still have lots of lovely Christmassy things to do before we break up!!

November 2024

Week beginning 18/11/24

This week has been Nursery Rhyme Week so we have been doing lots of different activities like playing with the turtles in the water and doing number recognition with a clock for Hickory Dickory Dock.

In a group we did Incy Wincy Spider with guttering and water. We also looked at Nursery Rhyme books and tried catching fish!

On Thursday we had a little play in the garden in the snow, which was fun while it lasted....however it was very cold!!!

Week beginning 11/11/24

On Monday we made lots of Remebrance day poppies, we watched "The Poppies" on CBBC about a little rabbit on the Poppy fields. We had a poppy made of rice to play with, which lasted for about 2 minutes!!

We also joined the rest of the school in the Lane for a 2 minute silence - Little Learners were really good and listened really well.

Our PE lesson was fun with the parachutes and using apparatus to climb and jump off.

We made shapes with glow sticks in the play house, which we have made into a dark den - it is really fun being in the dark with just a small string of lights. Some children made leaf people out of the leaves that we have been collecting on our walks.

On Friday it was Children in Need day - we dressed up and did lots of pictures with Pudsey and Blush. We watched a short film on Children in Need and did some moves with Pudsey!

We also made a big Pudsey and Blush which we decorated all together with paint, glue, paper, feathers and yellow pom poms - they were out outside on the gates so everyone could see them.

December 2023

Enjoy listening to our children singing a Christmas Song at Little Learners! Happy Christmas!

September 2022-July 2023

March 2023 - Learning about Science

Throughout March the children at Little Learners have been exploring, investigating and predicting what will happen. All the children at Primrose Lane Primary School took part in Science week but we enjoyed it so much we did some extra weeks!

We dissolved bath bombs hearing them "sizzle" and "bubble".

Using our senses helped us to use describing words like: "Hard, soft, cold, bumpy, smooth, loud."

We made Gingerbread Men - looking at how the ingredients changed when we mixed and cooked them. We then carried out an experiment to see what would happen when the Gingerbread Man got wet.

At circle time we blew bottles to make sounds - the sound changed with different levels of water.

When using the smell pots our nose told us the vinegar was "yucky" and "disgusting" but the bubble bath was "nice" and squash smelt like a "smoothie".

We noticed how the white flowers changed colour when they were put in pots of food colouring.

We learnt how important soap is for getting rid of germs - that the surface tension changes to push the germs away when we have clean soapy hands.

We looked at whether things would float or sink - did you know that a feather floats but a penny sinks?

January and February 2023

During January and February Little Learners have been enjoying:

Maths in our Play

Taking the dolls for a walk

Chilly sensory play

Fairy Tale Crafts

and Longleat came to visit!

November / December 2022

During November and December Little Learners have been:


Letters and sounds

Fun Outside

Christmas Cake Making

PE - learning control and balance

September 2022

During September Little Learners have been:

Counting how many people are in the cars, pictures on the sheet and completing number puzzles - these are some of the activities we use to support maths.

In PE lessons the children learn to take their shoes and socks off and put them back on again. Soon they will change in to their PE kits. The focus has been to listen to instructions, change direction, balance and negotiate space safely.

Being Healthy - learning about cleaning our teeth and what food we should only eat a small amount of - which was really hard to understand when chocolate bisuits are so yummy! Wake and Shake dancing everyday to undertand exercise is good for you.

September 2021-July 2022

June 2022

During June at Little Learners we have been doing the following:

Letters and sounds - learning about alliteration.

PE - some great balancing and learning to throw the foam javelins

The ice-cream van visited and the grown ups got very wet when we had a water fight!

Learning about a butterfly's life cycle - we are waiting to see what happens next, they might land on the flowers we are taking care of.

May 2022

Activities Little learners have been doing this month:

Working with Take Art

PE, Parachute games and Races

Gardening, weeding and planting our vegetables

Jubilee Celebrations: Medal making, tea party and Morris dancing

Recycling - Home Learning

April 2022

In forest school we have been using tools and we have been learning about recycling

We have been dressing up, learning to dress and undress, including shoes. We have been learning to catch in PE.

Outside fun!

March 2022

The chicks hatched! We have learnt all about their life cycle.

We celebrated World Book Day by wearing our favourite story book outfits.

We have also been:

Working on repeating patterns, changing into our PE kit and learning to sew

and working with Richard from Take Art

February 2022

The children have settled back into their learning well this term. (Please click on the photos under each title to see the full images)

In our Curriculum Goals Work we have been focussing on:

Climbing, balancing, jumping and throwing

Following a recipe - Chocolate Angel Delight and cheese scones
Pencil control, letter formation and name writing
We have also spent time enjoying outside learning,
focussing on Chinese New Year - Chinese writing, paper folding dragons and tiger masks
and the role play area has been very busy as a shop and for people who help us.

December 2020  

November 2020 

Please click on the link to see what we've been up to over the last few months. Click here for October/November Blog

September 2020 

Welcome to the first of this years Blog.  We have had a busy start to the term, playing and learning together.  Our focus has been to ensure all the children are happy and settled in their new environment.  The preschool children have been introduced to Letters and Sounds and been undertaking pencil control assessments.

Circle time is a new concept for many of our new children, it’s a time when we come together to share news and talk about our plans for the day.  Together we have been learning our new friends names, singing songs and reading stories.  All children have had the opportunity to take part in adult-led activities.

September 2019 - July 2020

Welcome to the Little Learners Blog.  Here you can see what exciting things we've been doing throughout the year. 

April 2020

The children have been having lots of fun learning about all sorts of things at home.  Volcano eruptions, feeding lambs, mark making, baking growing and nature.

Keep your great learning going and stay safe.

January/February 2020

Our theme has been winter, looking at the changing world around us. We have focused on keeping warm, looking at textures and the words that help us describe what we see and how we express what we feel.  Many of the adult led activities have incorporated experiences to extend the children's learning.  This has involved making 3D snowflakes, ensuring that the numbers on the snowman's hats match the amount of buttons on their tummies, measuring penguins using cubes, using a range of materials to make Polar bear faces and so much more.

We have been using circle time to concentrate on Numeracy activities, for example: Recognising and ordering numbers to 5, with some children now working with much larger numbers.  We have been looking at size ordering and using language that enables the children to describe size which supports them to categorise objects according to size and shape.  The children always enjoy looking at the shapes they find in our preschool environment, inside and out, they particularly like to guess what shape might be in the bag, guess as they are given clues...

During February we will be looking at pencil control, supported by lots of mark making certificates, this is particularly important to those children going to school this September.  Having the correct pencil grip is the first stage in being able to write. We will be assessing each preschool child by taking a photograph to enable us to support each child within this step.

For our younger children and those new this term, we have been establishing routines and getting to know each other. Time has been spent, exploring textures, learning new songs, listening to stories, finding out how things work and learning where everything lives.

September 2019

For the start of a new pre-school year we have been busy with lots of new things.  In maths we have been measuring outside and have been exporing our bodies with movement and balance in Yoga.  We have been showing off our football skills for physical development and listening skills.  We got to make Gruffalo crumble with apples, sultanas and beetroot. This was very yummy!

Sep 2018 - July 2019

June 2019

This week at Forest School we have been making Elderflower cordial with Elderflower flower heads, lemons, sugar and water.  We have also been counting, making repeating patterns and sorting on the maths table. 

Mrs Robbins introduced us to Gulliver Bear, he will be sent home with a child each weekend to look after.  

On Pyjamarama day, the children and staff came into school in their PJ's to help every child get a bedtime story.  We even had a visit from Mrs Nathan from Red Class. 


Some of us bought in our favourite stories from home and we discussed them in pre-school.  We had a visit from Somerset Music where the children used sticks to tap out a beat, keeping a steady pulse and developing their rhythm and co-orindation.   

Ask your children abour Carrymore visiting, theu will tell you the 3 'R's' - Recycle, Re-use and Reduce.  

Also our caterpillars have arrived for the children to learn about their life cycles. 

May 2019

This month we have been planting seeds and watering our garden.  We helped to unload our new sand for the sandpit but the bucket was so heavy.  We went out and about exploring, looking for wildlife and jumping like a kangaroo!  We also had decorating time with Australian dot art. 

In our final week before half term we have been tasting the fruit Handa had in her basket, the banana and pineapple were very popular.

April 2019

Our Home learning over the Easter break was to design an Easter bonnet. On our first day back with had an assembly with Mrs Sherrard where we could show them off to all the other children.  On Monday 29th April, we had a visit from a Yoga teacher; we did the bird, sun game and umbrella game.  

The children and Mrs Dare have now finished the pond, let’s hope we have lots of wildlife visiting soon.

Drumming Workshop - March 2019

We had a visit from the Drumming workshop. Thank you for all the parents that came, we all had a great time.

March 2019

This month we have been exploring all about musical instruments and had fun testing some out.  

We have been learning about the life cycle of a chicken.  We had the pleasure of being able to watch the eggs hatch and hold the newly born chicks.  

We have also been Growing seeds for our vegetable garden and pond building, and some of the children went for a walk to the local Country Park.

February 2019

This month we had Forest school with Mrs Dare and had fun in the snow.   We also made Gingerbread Men.

January 2019

This half term we have started work on fairy tales, reading The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood stories.  The children have been busy building the pigs houses and working on sequencing.

To finish our work on people who help us, we had an exciting visit from the fire engine.  The children were able to climb into the engine cab and use the water hoses – great fun!

On Tuesday afternoons Paul from Rugby Tots visits.  The children were very good at learning new skills and even had a go at the Hacker.

October 2018 

We've been learning about healthy eating, thumbs up for good food and thumbs down for bad food. We've been climbing during our PE sessions, making yummy pizzas and having fun with vegetables using the artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo work.  We have also been carefully negating the laser beams after reading Supertato and learning about healthy teeth, brushing up and down for 2 minutes.

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