Primrose PSHE/SRE


At Primrose Lane Primary School we recognise the importance of supporting children’s learning through the development of their personal and social skills. We aim to make the children at PLPS confident and happy learners and to equip them with the skills to make the right choices in later life empowering them to be active and responsible citizens.  

We also aim to ensure that the children of PLPS recognise and embrace the diversity of the world we live in. At Primrose Lane we give the children the confidence, skills and knowledge to develop sustainable relationships with others and  also ensure that they understand how their bodies change over time.

At Primrose Lane the children have a weekly PSHE/RSE lesson and we also cover aspects of this curriculum through whole school and key stage assemblies and presentations.

All the classes use the Coram Life curriculum plans.

 Focus units of work:
Me and my relationships Valuing difference Keeping myself safe
Rights and responsibilities Being my best Growing and changing


Families and Relationships 


Trusted Adults and Strangers - Online and in real life

Lower KS2.jpg
Upper KS2.jpg

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